Prism Arts invites you to take part in ACTIVE AUGUST, a summer fundraiser to break down barriers for neurodivergent artists in Cumbria.

Choose how you move!

Whether you walk, wheel, swim or run, or even take part in a community football match or sports day, it doesn’t matter as long as you’re getting active!

Choose a target that works for you!

Set your target – be it a distance (10k, 20k or 50k), a time (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week), or an amount of people (a couple, a family, a whole community) – and complete the challenge before the end of the month.

Raise a minimum of £50

…and you’ll receive a Prism Arts fundraising certificate as a token of our appreciation!

Fundraise with your family, friends, pets, co-workers or go solo to make a real impact in your community. You can even print and design your own Active August flag to take on your journey!

Sign up now to receive an Active August pack, free of charge!

The Difference You’ll Make

Our mission is to empower people with learning disabilities and/or autism to drive their own creative journey and develop as artists, leaders and advocates for change.

When you support Prism Arts, you’re helping to make a vital difference to more than 2,500 people each year, enabling them to boost their confidence, skills, wellbeing and independence through the power of art and creativity.

With the vital funds raised during #ActiveAugust, we can continue to run our creative programmes that make a huge difference to the lives of thousands of people each year:

50 pounds

When you raise £50 for Prism Arts, you can help to fund a trip for our artists to see an enriching, cultural experience like an art gallery or a theatre performance!

100 pounds

When you raise £100 for Prism Arts, you can provide our artists with creative materials for an entire month!

250 pounds

When you raise £250 for Prism Arts, you can help fund a Creative Practitioner to run skills-building workshops for our artists!

500 pounds

When you raise £500 for Prism Arts, you can help us to launch our new online shop, which will allow our artists to earn money and showcase their fantastic work!

Make an Active August Flag!

Download the Active August Flag Template below to make your own colourful flag to take on your challenge! Take a selfie with your flag and post it online with the #ActiveAugust and we’ll share it on our social media pages!

You can pick up a FREE Active August flag kit at the Prism Arts studio up until August 4th. Find us here.

Sponsorship Form

Kick off sponsorships by printing the form below to track how much money you’re raising. You can pick up this form for free at the Prism Arts studio.

You can pick up a Sponsorship Form at the Prism Arts studio up until August 4th. Find us here.

A – Z list of ideas

Not sure what to do for you Active August challenge? Check out our A – Z list of fundraising ideas to give you some inspiration!

Active August FAQs

Do I have to be Cumbrian to take part?

Not at all! Anyone can join in with Active August. The more the merrier!

What activities can I do during #ActiveAugust?

The whole point of #ActiveAugust is to encourage people to get active and fundraise for Prism in an accessible and easy way. So this means you can do anything you like, from a community football match to a wheelbarrow race, or even a walk with the dog, stroll with a pram or hitting a certain distance in your wheelchair. We have put together a list of ideas which you can check out here. Whether you walk, wheel, swim or run, it doesn’t matter as long as you’re getting active!

Can I use your logo to fundraise?

Absolutely. Click below for a downloadable logo for you to use:

Download the Prism Arts Logo

How do I get hold of materials and resources to help me fundraise?

You can download all resources directly from our website or come into our space at Central Methodist Hall to pick up what you need.

I would like some flags for my fundraiser, but I don’t have a printer. Can you help?

We absolutely can! Let us know how many you’d like and we can print them for you. You can then either collect from our office at Central Methodist Hall, or we can get them out to you directly!

How can I promote what I am doing?

To help spread the word you could contact your local newspaper, send an email to friends or family, or post on social media. Make sure to tag @PeopleatPrism whenever you can and use the hashtag #ActiveAugust.

Can I choose where the money goes?

If you would like your donation to go towards a specific part of our work, just let us know. But if you are happy for us to choose where the funds are most needed, that will help us tailor our support to those most in need.

Can I claim Gift-Aid on the money I raise?

If you’re a UK taxpayer, the government will give us 25p for every £1 donated – at no extra cost to you. All you will need to do is fill out a sponsorship form.

How do I collect money for my fundraiser?

You can either print out a sponsorship form and collect cash donations from your family, friends, and colleagues, or you can set up your own GoFundMe page, which allows you to create a dedicated page for your fundraising, tell your audience what you are doing, and track donations.

How do I give you the money?

Once you’ve raised money for Prism Arts, you can send it to us via:

  • Cheque, made out to Prism Arts and sent to Prism Arts Finance Department, Central Methodist Hall, 5 Market Street, Carlisle, CA3 8QJ
  • A cash drop-off at our offices in Central Methodist Hall
  • Through our Donate page on our website, where you can donate what you have raised directly.

What do I get once I pay you the money?

To say thank you for all your hard work, we will send you a letter of thanks, a certificate of fundraising and an update on the difference you have made. We can also celebrate your success online and on our social media. 

I don’t fancy joining in with #ActiveAugust but I am keen to fundraise for Prism. Can I get involved in another way?

There are lots of great ways you can fundraise for Prism, and we have put together a really simple 6 step guide to help. Check it out here.

Will you take on the challenge this Active August?

Get active this summer to break down barriers for neurodivergent artists. Sign up today and be part of the movement that’s making a difference!


Phone: 01228 587691

Post: Prism Arts, Central Methodist Hall, 5 Market Street, Carlisle, CA3 8QJ

Active August logo. Above text are stick figures exercising: a family cycling, a wheelchair using playing badminton and a dog walker. Below the tagline: Will you take on the challenge?
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