Category Archives: Theatre

Discovering Kurt Schwitters – Artist and Refugee

Discovering Kurt Schwitters – Artist and Refugee  2019-2022 Funded by: National Lottery Heritage Fund Artform:

Until the Cow Comes Home

Until the Cow Comes Home 2018 Funder: Children in Need, Carlisle City Council Artform: Theatre

Tales of a Long Conflict

Tales of a Long Conflict 2016 Artform: Theatre Funders: The National Lottery Heritage Fund Participants:

Shadow Tales

Shadow Tales 2017 Artform: Theatre Funders: The Public via Crowdfunder and The National Lottery Heritage

Cumbria Wildlife Trust and Eycott Hill

Cumbria Wildlife Trust and Eycott Hill 2014-19 Project Partner: Cumbria Wildlife Trust Artform: Theatre, Visual

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