Joining Studio Theatre gives you the opportunity to act, create your own stories, learn new skills with professional artists, meet new people and perform on stage.

Studio Theatre is our theatre programme for adults with learning disabilities and autism which runs once a week, on Fridays, throughout the academic year.

Participants join this programme to discover and develop theatre skills; writing, set design, music and performing.

Participants will:

  • Learn and develop new skills, supported by professional artists
  • Learn to work as a team, building confidence
  • Make new friends and develop new ideas
  • Work in a supportive and non-judgemental environment
  • Learn to think and work independently


Studio Theatre sessions run on Fridays from 9:30am – 3:30pm, for 36 weeks over a year.


Sessions are based at our studio spaces in the Central Methodist Hall in Carlisle.

Who can join?

Adults with learning disabilities and autism (over 18 years old).

There is a charge to attend Prism Arts Studio Theatre sessions. If the opportunity meets your assessed needs, you may be able to fund your place using your Individual Budget.


To make an enquiry or book your place please get in touch:
Phone: 01228 587691

Our Theatre Projects