Our Work / Archive / Puppet Parade: The March for the Unsung Woman

The March for the Unsung Woman

“My husband passed away in February, coming to volunteer making puppets has
been so wonderful – I feel so much better.  Actually, I think you have done more for
me than I have for you!” Volunteer

The March for the Unsung Woman was the theme of the 2018 Puppet Parade. Produced by
Prism Arts in partnership with Carlisle City Council, it was held on Saturday 1 September
2018. The Pageant Parade started at the Civic Centre, Rickergate at 2pm and made its way up
Scotch Street towards the city centre and the Old Town Hall.

The theme coincided with the 100-year anniversary of The People’s Act. The Puppet Pageant
featured life-size puppets of ten Unsung Women of Cumbria who were accompanied by an
array of puppets inspired by their lives. All the puppets will be created with communities in
Carlisle. Puppets where created of an Unnamed Roman Woman, Lady Ann Clifford, Eliza
Linton, Susanna Blamire, Sara Losh, Sarah Coleridge, Catherine Marshall, Kathleen Raven,
Sheila Fell and Mable Farrar.

109 people in the parade, 3,000 audience and 1,300 volunteer hours.

Workshops were held with; St Bedes Catholic Primary School, James Rennie School,
Upperby Primary School, Carlisle Youth Zone, Young Carers, Tullie House Museum, Music
Links, Blue Jam Arts, older people, stroke survivors, families, emerging diverse artists, Prism
Youth Theatre, children and young people with disabilities, students, Artists, Carlisle
Women’s Group, community volunteers to plan, design, produce and perform on the day.
Over 200 people took part in workshops.

Page title: Puppet Parade: The March for the Unsung Woman Artform: Visual Art Partner Organisation: Carlisle City Council Artists: Ali McCaw People involved: Children and Young Adults, Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autism, Older People, Stroke Survivors, Dates: July – September 2018

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